was executed by the same government for the failure of his government. His crime, the court said, was the murder of federal agents. Timothy McVeigh's life was forfeited as a direct response to an August 1992 standoff at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, witch claimed the life of a 14 year old boy. This 14 year old boy who was first shot in the arm destroying it an then shot in the back as he was running away killing him. Then a FBI sniper looking throught his scope shoots the boys mother in the head blowing half her face off while she held her 10-month-old baby in her arms. Mr. Harris is next shot in the arm and chest for supposable threatening a helicopter. In 1993 McVeigh's government again launches an attack, this time on a religious group in Waco, Texas. Two government agencies one a tax collection agency the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) the other the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) these two agencies came together to attack a religious group in Waco, Texas. This incident began when the tax collection agency (BATF) entered upon lands recognized by the state of Texas, as a Church. They entered, the Church through the windows and doors with guns drawn and without obtaining the consent of the Pastor of that Church. They also intended to shoot anyone who opposed that entry. And, they did. After killing seven of the Church members and getting four of their own killed, they withdrew to regrouped, a few hundred yards from the Church limiting access to only those the tax collection agency deemed acceptable. During the following fifty-one day siege, by the agencies, and their compatriots in Washington, D.C., they began a campaign of deceit in an effort to demonize the pastor and his congregation. On April 19, 1993, the world and McVeigh watched, as a tragedy of epic proportions occurred on the Church grounds in Waco, Texas. Read the fallowing and remember this was what sent Timothy McVeigh over the edge. Not Terrorism. April 19,1993 ![]() The guns were legal. The local sheriff investigated and found no basis for complaints against the Branch Davidians. These were law-abiding American citizens. Agents acting under the authority of the U.S. government murdered them. ![]() "Waco Rules of Engagement" or read the book, "Armageddon in Waco" or see the film, "Waco A New Revelation". Many people believe that the Branch Davidians themselves or David Koresh were responsible for the deaths of the men, women and children that died in the inferno at Waco on April 19, 1993. The US government, under the presidency of Bill Clinton, with Janet Reno and Wesley Clark in supporting roles, demonstrated its contempt for the American people by carrying out a massacre to "demonstrate" its "authority". ![]() church and home, (Mount Carmel Center) of the Branch Davidians purportedly to execute a single search and arrest warrant. Instead, six Branch Davidians and four agents were killed, and the largest ATF assault in its history was launched against a small religious community in central Texas. ![]() a 51-day siege. This included such tactics as sleep deprivation by means of high powered lights in the windows and all night broadcasts of recordings of rabbits being slaughtered. ![]() Can you even begin to feel what those children were feeling as they heard that night after night? ![]() Department, (Janet Reno) approved a plan to use CS gas against the Branch Davidians. Tanks carrying CS gas entered the compound at dawn on April 19, ramming holes in the main building and pumping, (in the FBI's words) "massive amounts" of CS gas into the building, despite knowing that inside were more than a dozen children with no gas masks to fit them. The tanks demolished parts of the compound and created tunnels for the wind to blow through. The buildings at this point were saturated with flammable CS gas and spilled kerosene that had been knocked over by the tanks. Around midday the FBI and the Army attacked and two (2)U.S. military pyrotechnic devices were fired into the main building, igniting a fire which spread and became an inferno in which 74 men, women and twelve children younger than five years of age were brutally murdered. Attorney General Janet Reno, FBI Director Louis Freeh and their subordinates repeatedly denied any such devices were fired on the day of the fatal fire. ![]() in an afford to keep survivors from escaping the fire during the final day of the siege in Waco. We have all seen the video of gunfire at the back of the buildings. Fire trucks were prevented by the FBI from approaching the inferno. When the compound had burned down to the ground the ATF flag was hoisted to signify "victory". ![]() Subsequently the burned out ruins were razed in an attempt to remove all evidence of this premeditated murder of innocent civilians by agents of the U.S. government. A lawyer for one of the Branch Davidian survivors said at one of the U.S. government whitewashes or rather "investigations". "In this country when people are accused of a crime they are arrested and given a trial, that's 'due process'. If found guilty of murder then maybe they are killed. We don't just kill them first which is what happened at Waco." After the ATF and FBI learned that a press release stating that the use of military troops against United States citizens violated federal law, specifically, the Posse Comitatus act, the ATF released a cover story, claiming that the tanks were not Army, they were national guard, and had been brought in under the "Drug Interdiction Act" because they had heard there was a "meth amphetamine lab". Even though the FBI had already publicly announced there was never any question whatsoever of a drug involvement. The FBI has insisted it is not responsible for causing the blaze and maintain there was no evidence that they fired into the compound on the day of the final assault, April 19. It is important to remember that David Koresh and no one connected with the Branch Davidian group had been charged with a crime of any description prior to the infamous ATF raid. ![]() The government has no authority to question, examine, investigate, disparage, denounce, impugn, license, control, or even approve anyone's religious faith regardless of how "kooky," bizarre, or unorthodox it may seem to be. This includes the apocalyptic, "doomsday" beliefs of David Koresh and the Branch Davidians. If these people were not free to believe what they wanted, then none of us are free. Few Americans realize that on February 28, 1993 when ATF agents attacked the Branch Davidian's church and home, (Mount Carmel Center), they did so with guns blazing. WHY? I have heard that the ATF wanted to pull off a bold military style coup that would be widely publicized on television and allow it to display a huge collection of illegal weapons. That it was thought such a coup would strengthen the ATF, impress Congress, enhance the agency's prestige after the mess at Ruby Ridge, and even increase its budget allocation. ![]() men, women, and children (Let's put some faces to this story) ![]() ![]()
have happened and would never have happened if the FBI, President Clinton, and Janet Reno had not acted in such a needless, senseless, irrational, inhumane, immoral, unconscionable, and reprehensible way by assaulting the Branch Davidian home with tanks and chemical weapons. Now look at what our government did to children. Click here The government massacre of men, women, and children in Waco is the most despicable, most grievous event ever to take place in America. It is something that should never have happened. It is something that never could have happened IF God fearing and freedom loving Americans had been better guardians of the freedoms our founding fathers envisioned in our founding documents. It is something that never would have happened if government servants had been bound by the chains of the Constitution. We must understand that there was more than human suffering and carnage in Waco. A part of the American heart and soul also died there. America will never be the same. I've heard people say McVeigh should not have killed the children McVeigh said what about the children at Ruby Ridge and Waco why does no one scream about them? The U.S. Constitution gives people the right to overthrow the government if it's not of the people, by the people, and for the people. "Let us never forget 911" ![]() Links ACLJ Bill of Rights Constitution Declaration of Independence Flag Laws And Regulations Fox News Gettysburg Address Patriot Act Ten Commandments |